So, I am known for writing looong nats reports, but thats only because I write alot of other info that happend that weekend. This time, I will try to keep it short.
Friday - Preperation day
My friend Sune comes over, we playtest alot and decide on decks. Sune is playing spread with Manectric PL, Bronzong MD and both Ampharos' with a Mewtrwo Lv.X tech. I'm playing Dialga G, pretty straight forwards. We predict the metagame, we prepare for many Gengar, Machamp and SP variants.
Saturday - Swiss rounds
I stress around getting the final cards for my deck (Thanks to Mikkel L) and me and Sune both hand in our list and register. We sit and wait around untill registration is finished, there are bout 40 players in Masters and there will only be Top 8. So, game on!
Round 1 - René with SP variant
He flips over a Sableye SF and i start with Dialga. I start locking his trainers while he gets a setup with Gyarados G and a Golduck PL. He is switching his pokemon around with all pokemon in reach of a KO with Dialga's 2nd attack. He uses 2 Poke Healer's to heal his Gyarados to kill my only Dialga. I dont recover after this so he wins.
Round 2 - Live with Anti SP (Kabutops and Machamp)
Live gets a quick Kabutops up, locking my energy gains, poketurns and power sprays. I eventually kill her Kabutops with my Dialga, but she gets another up. After alot of back and forth KO's, time is called and we are even on prize. It's Live's turn, she is desperatly trying to get a Rare candy with many draw trainers and Uxies, she eventually gets one, gets a Machamp up, knocking my Dialga out.
This was a really even match and despite my horrible matchup, I was not to sad about loosing this game.
Round 3 - Roar with Dialga G and Anti SP techs (Infernape 4 and Lucario GL)
I start this game, beeing absolutley devestated as he then gets trainer locking me with deafen. I only have Energy Gains, and I dont draw into any energys. Roar gets to KO'ing many of my pokemon, I make a comeback with Dialga Lv.X, but time is called and Roar is leading on prize.
This game was a nightmare, Roar disagreed in many of my plays (i.e. I used Roseannes, found an Uxie and a energy, I put them down on the table while a shuffle my deck and take them up on my hand, he goes "What!? You already put Uxie down with a energy on it!" and he called judge, three times in this game he called a judge and everytime I had right.
Games are going really bad, I have had bad luck with draws, and really bad matchups. Me and Sune go to Burger King for lunch hoping for some better plays. Sune is lying 2-1.
Round 4 - Hans Richardt with Gengar and Mewtwo Lv.X and other techs
This is the single most rude player I have ever played against in my many years of pokemon. He was cheeky when I came late because I had to make a quick toilet brake. He commented rudly on my glasses, orderd me to sit down and cut his deck as he stated I had wasted many of his minutes. I kept shuffling my deck as we are enigbled with 2 minutes setup for each game, he drags the deck out of my hand while I'm shuffling saying i'v shuffled enough, time hasn't even started yet! We start playing, I start out with a Dialga and lock his trainers. He gets a quick Gengar out but i KO it with Dialga. He then actually says "Fuck you" to me when I KO it and I'm shocked. He rips out every card I play from my hand to read the text and says again "Fuck you". He gets out a Mewtwo Lv.X, Giratina Lv.X and Uxie Lv.X and tells me to Fuck off, he says "look at all my good cards, you know you're gonna loose, just fuck off allready". He KO's my Dialga Lv.X and all is lost as he still has a Mewtwo Lv.X and I dont have any other way to counter.
After the round, he actually has the nerve to ask me if I think he's a good player. I feel increadably offended and disgraced that there is a player with so bad SotG.
Round 5 - Some girl with Rhyperior
She doesn't get anything other then a Rhydon out, I KO everything quick with Dialga.
Round 6 - Some guy with random grass
I basically kill most of the pokemon he plays with Dialga and Toxicroak. He keeps on bragging about that he has red the whole rule book and states what will happen, who will top cut and how resistance works through TOM. I dont think he realizes that I'v been in the TO business and I dont need this explained. After I win, he wants me to write my name and deck in his little book for his turney report and he takes a photo off me.
Game over, basically.
I'm quiet dissapointed with my overall preformance, but I do blame 3/4 of my loses because of bad matchups. However, my 2 wins were not against generally good players, and my self esteem isn't actually boosted by this event. However, I'm happy for Sune going 3-3.
Sunday - Top cuts and side events
Me and Sune come with my brother Kim to attend the schedueld side event, just saying "modified tournemant". When we reach the torunemant venue, we see this side event is a prerelease. We dont have the money to attend this tourney, so we just leave again as there is no other tcg based events going on other than top cuts. Kim then takes us for a kebab before we go to work.
Overall, it was a nice weekend, but I'm not happy at all with my preformance. So, all that is left is then props and slops!
Sune, for being my best buddy and doing great!
Mikkel L, for lending me cards and placing 4th!
My brother, for driving us to Oslo
The venue, it was too far away from Downtown Oslo and no place to buy food
Players with bad SofG
So, I tried as good as I can to write it short, but I dont know, dont really think I managed it to well...