Hey everybody.
So yesterday was my first time at league for a really long time. My friend Sune moved to Oslo, so he lives all alsone in an apartment in the country's capital city. Oslo is ofc the best place in Norway for pokemon mostly because of the huge player base. We both wanted to try attend some more league then we are used to and yesterday was our first time at the Oslo league.
I came there and met my friend Sune, he was taking to the League Leaders, Khanh and Rafael, they both ignored me when i said hello and they didnt answer me at all when i asked if i could sign up for the league. Great SotG :D
Never the less, there were more cool people there. A guy named Hayder asked me to sit down and talk, he is a guy with humour and he is always making jokes. My friend Mikkel then comes, im really glad to see him ^^ Me and Sune play a game each and a game against Mikkel and Hayder. We then leave and eat kebab (yummy) and later we meet my brother Kim. We went to this free concert outside in the woods to see Satyricon and Kaizers Orchestra.
The black metal band Satyricon kicked ass, i was there with Kim and Sune rocking off in the crowd and i met Mikkel there again and a old friend he was with that i met through pokemon. I meet two more girls, both of them i have met through my clase mate Martin. When Kaizers come to play, the crowd just grows huger and huger and i get seperated from my friends. I am standing in a crowd with girls who wants to have their picture taking with me. Lots of strange stuff happend and one of the girls tells me we went to school together, but i find that hard to believe as she probably was drunk. So later, some guys gay up towards me, i get pissed and leave.
We had parked like, really far away from the concert because we didnt know where to drive. So we walk 15-20 mins through the forest with no other light then the lights from our mobilephones xD We reach the car and our shoes are soaked and dirty.
So, what a league day that turned out to be! :O Well, after all, Sune is angry because he didnt get to trade any of the cards he wanted and he still wants a new deck. So...im tuning out, saturday night is calling......
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