fredag 3. juli 2009

My road to worlds

Okay, so my goal is set, I'v been playing long enough without any real accomplishments. This upcoming season I want to step my preformance up a notch and add some victories under my belt. My goal for this season is to attend Worlds 2010.

So, who am I?

My name is Christian, I go under the name Cloud9 at forums and other places. I live in a little place called Asker, a bit south of Oslo, Norway's capital. I am the local league leader and have been doing so for almost 5 years. I started playing competetive pokemon tcg at the prerelease of Fire Red & Leaf Green and have been sucked into the game since. After I started playing the game I became eager of making the best possible decks out and started trading cards for many decks. I played few tournemants in the RS-On format using a Gardevoir ex deck. When the HL-On format started, I attended more and more tourneys and built many strong decks. While not winning any big tournemants, i ent up placing 6th in Nationals with a Dragtrode deck, recieving my highest placing in Nats I have attended. In the DX-On format, I built almost all decks I saw win tourneys and I became more active on internet forums. I learnt alot more about metagaming and how to counter decks, this way I placed high in many tourneys, but never at the top. I got bummed off loosing my Top 32 game in Nats with a Metanite deck, this was the season I was at my top and I was hoping for a possible Worlds invite. When HP-On was announced I was so pissed about the format that I only attended 2 tournemants that season going 1-X at both off them. I jugded Nationals this year, but I realised that I'm still hungry to win.

When DP-On started I wanted to play again, me and my best friend Sune each bought ourself a theme deck, we played and played and tried building the best deck we could based on the theme deck. Sune ent up making a Ampharos/Bronzong deck and I made a Magmortar/Togekiss deck. I only attended 2 tournemants this season before Nats, 1 BR and 1 CC, both using my Magkiss deck. I went 2-2 at both, only loosing to Kingdra variants, in which way I was quiet pleased with myself. I got myself a box of Platinum cards for judging my local STP and built a nice Dialga G deck I used for Nats, which was obviously the wrong choice (read my future nats report). 

This season I am much more commited to the game and I will prepare in a much better way than before. From now on I will buy booster boxes from each set (which I have not done before 'cause of economics), playtest many more decks, attend as many tourneys as possible and never ever attend a torunemant with a deck I'm not to sure about. I have much more spare time this year and I will try to travel to more places to play and try playtesting against more skilled people than random rogue players at League.

Thus far, I have set myself a goal, this upcoming season, 2009-2010, DP-On, I will commit myself much more to the game, play the best I can and play to win! I want to be with the top, I want to be a respected player. I don't want to recognized as "that league leader from tha random place", I want to be a feared player but also have the best of SOTG. This season, I want to attend World 2010! So follow my blogg, I will update with deck idead, tourney reports and other random stuff. 

So prepare yourself, we will meet at Worlds 2010!


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